Six Years of Continuous Growth for Capitol Corridor

Priscilla Kalugdan Press Releases

In the six years that the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority has managed operations of passenger rail service between Sacramento and San Jose, the Capitol Corridor route has maintained a pattern of continuous growth, and is now the third busiest intercity passenger rail corridor in the nation. Since October 1, 1998, when CCJPA commenced operational management, ridership has improved 152% …

Issue 19, December 27, 2004

Linsey Ettlin Message To Riders

From me to you. Dear Capitol Corridor Riders and Friends, For many a year, it has been my custom on December 6th (St. Nicholas Day) to prepare my end-of-the-year and Holiday Message to you, our riders, and also to our CCJPA and fellow railroad employees at Amtrak and Union Pacific who make the Capitol Corridor passenger train service work. At …

Issue 18, October 10, 2004

Linsey Ettlin Message To Riders

Dear Capitol Corridor Riders and Friends, On-time Performance Since the disruptions of June caused by the freight congestion, we have worked with Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) to remedy the freight issues causing delay to passenger trains, and I am pleased to report steady progress since July. UPRR is now performing at 96% on-time, and total delivered service to you, the …

Capitol Corridor Launches Kids Ride Free Everyday (Except Fridays) with Free Ice Cream!

Priscilla Kalugdan Press Releases

OAKLAND, CA, July 7, 2004– Kids from Oakland’s Lincoln Square Recreation center will receive free ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery this Thursday at the Oakland Jack London Square station, as part of Amtrak Capitol Corridor’s Kids Ride Free Everyday promotion. The Capitol Corridor recently installed a Kids Ride Free Everyday train wrap to publicize the summer offer. Unlike other …

Issue 17, June 4, 2004

Linsey Ettlin Message To Riders

Dear Capitol Corridor Riders and Friends, Since the winter holidays, there has been an incremental improvement to our service performance, culminating with 90+% or better on time performance in April and May. Unfortunately, during the first week of June things took a pretty bad turn following an early morning trespasser fatality that involved a freight train and then delayed all …