Linsey Ettlin Press Releases

On Saturday, October 25 and Sunday, October 26, 2008, Capitol Corridor Trains 732, 733, 734, 737 and San Joaquin Train 716 WILL NOT STOP at the Emeryville Station. Trains will bypass the station and passengers planning to travel to or from Emeryville will be transported by motorcoach bus. This two-day modification in service to Emeryville Station creates a window of …

Special Message to Riders

Linsey Ettlin Message To Riders

Many of you experienced delays during your evening travel home on Monday evening (October 20, 2008) and I wanted to apologize for the lack of communication to you, our riders. First, what happened Monday evening? It started when a vehicle ignored the crossing gates and bells just east of Richmond and attempted to cross the tracks ahead of San Joaquin …