CC Rail Mail – November 3, 2010

Linsey Ettlin CC Rail Mail & Newsletters, News Archive

CC Rail Mail- November 3, 2010 In this issue: 1. Two Percent Fare Increase Effective November 9, 2010 2. Proposition 22 passes 3. Mehserle sentencing hearing 4. New Timetable effective November 8th and Holiday Schedule 5. Tailgate train to Raiders vs. Chiefs game 1. Two Percent Fare Increase Effective November 9, 2010 Capitol Corridor will implement a modest, two percent …

Capitol Corridor Announces Steady Ridership Thanks to Successful Promotions and Steller On-Time Performance

Luna Salaver Press Releases

As the economy slowly recovers, the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) is experiencing a steady upward trend in ridership and revenue, as well as unprecedented on-time performance thresholds. In fact, in September Capitol Corridor achieved 98 percent on-time performance–the best intercity passenger rail performance in the nation. “Nearly 1.6 million people rode Capitol Corridor trains in Fiscal Year 2009-10, …