July 2020

Philip Krayna

Our Stand Against Racism In response to the killing of George Floyd and many others impacted by racial injustice, Capitol Corridor released “Our Stand Against Racism,” its statement to denounce racism.

June 2020

Philip Krayna

Launch of South Bay Connect Project Environmental Review South Bay Connect proposes to relocate Capitol Corridor service between Oakland Coliseum and Newark from the current route on the Union Pacific (UP) Niles Subdivision to the UP Coast Subdivision, which could save up to 13 minutes of travel time between Oakland…

June 2020

Philip Krayna

10-Ride ticket extended to 60 days 10-Ride ticket expiration date extended from 45 to 60 days, allowing passengers more time to do their trips.

March 2020

Philip Krayna

COVID Service Reduction Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and mandatory shelter-in-place requirements, Capitol Corridor makes drastic service reduction to operate as an essential service.

March 2020

Philip Krayna

Evergreen Signage Schedule signs and brochures for trains and buses were upgraded to an evergreen format with QR enabled codes to get schedule information. This effort supported efforts to become more sustainable.