On Friday, September 29, 2023, Capitol Corridor celebrated its $42.51 million CRISI Program award granted by the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA). This grant will support the completion of Phase 1 of the Sacramento to Roseville Third Track Project (SR3T).
Over 50 guests and media attended our celebration at Roseville Intermodal Station that warm, sunny morning. Notable attendees include elected officials and their staff, CCJPA’s host railroad, Union Pacific, and our host agency, BART.
We heard inspiring speeches from Bruce Houdesheldt, Mayor of Roseville and CCJPA Vice-Chair, Chad Edison, CalSTA Chief Deputy Secretary, Peggy Ygbuhay, Senior Director of Public Affairs, Union Pacific Railroad, and Sabrina Drago, Director-at-Large, Placer Business Alliance. We also hosted Jennifer Mitchell, the FRA Deputy Administrator who made the formal announcement of our award.
With broad representation from communities in Placer County, there was a a lot of excitement for additional Capitol Corridor service!
About Sacramento to Roseville Third Track project:
The Capitol Corridor currently provides one daily round trip train between Auburn and Sacramento in conjunction with connecting buses between Auburn-Sacramento and Roseville-Sacramento.
Completion of the project will allow Capitol Corridor to offer riders 10 daily round trips versus the one round trip currently offered. Phase 1 will add two daily round trips, and Phase 2 will add 7 daily round trips. It will also preserve current Union Pacific Railroad freight operations and reliability for the benefit of goods movement through the region. Learn more about the project.