Daily Parking Fee of $2 to Start at Richmond Station on Monday, May 11

Philip Krayna News Archive, Service Alerts



Effective Monday, May 11, parking at the Richmond station will be charged at the daily reserved rate of $2.00 per day for Capitol Corridor and Amtrak passengers. The spaces, which are currently located on the second floor of the BART garage, will be moved to the first floor near the entrance in the “reserved parking” section.

Purchasing Daily Parking Permits

Since passengers will not have access to the pay parking machines in the BART station, daily permits must be purchased online in advance. Below are the steps to follow.

  1. Register and make an account with Select-a-Spot. You will only need to do this the first time you purchase daily permits.
  2. Login to Select-a-Spot and visit https://www.select-a-spot.com/bart/reservations/amtrak_facilities/?type=daily to purchase your daily permits.
  3. Select Richmond Amtrak.
  4. Select the dates for which you will need a permit. You may purchase a maximum of 10 single day permits at the rate of $2.00 per day. Saturdays and Sundays are free, so you will not need to pay for these days.
  5. Pay for your permit(s).
  6. Print out the permit(s) for each day of your reservation.
  7. Display one permit per day clearly on your dashboard, making sure the date on the permit matches the current date. Failure to display a valid permit may result in a citation or towing.

The reserved spaces become open to the general public after 10 a.m. In the event that the reserved spaces are full, you can park anywhere in the parking garage as long as your permit is clearly displayed.

Please be aware that there will no longer be overnight parking at the Richmond BART parking facility. If you are planning a trip that would require you to leave your car overnight, you should go to the Emeryville Station and inquire with the ticket office staff about overnight parking.

The free parking lot at this station was permanently closed as of April 15, 2015.