2017 California Passenger Rail Summit – April 18-19, 2017, Sacramento
The 2017 California Passenger Rail Summit (CPRS) brought together rail policy makers, agencies, consultants, and advocates to work to solve the many complicated and tangled rail issues in our state. The conference took place April 18-19, 2017 in Sacramento and was a call to action to develop an efficient and effective passenger rail network within California and beyond to meet future travel demands. For more information, please visit www.californiapassengerrailsummit.com/2017/program.html
2015 California Passenger Rail Summit & Presentations
On April 28 & 29, 2015, representatives from many agencies participated in the 2015 California Passenger Rail Summit, an annual advocacy event aimed to raise the awareness of the benefits of California’s passenger rail network. Passenger rail officials, rail advocates, elected officials, planning and land use officials and staff convened to celebrate the success of California’s passenger rail services and to strategize for our future. The event brought together all interested parties to help develop advocacy strategies that will form partnerships across California between passenger rail agencies and communities to educate local, state, and federal agencies on the need for a funding program to support passenger rail.
At the summit, participants discussed the above challenges and explored ways to improve the state’s passenger rail services to meet the needs of our passengers and the communities these trains serve. We are pleased to share several of the presentations from the summit.
- A Transformative Investment in California’s Future – Dan Richard, California High Speed Rail Authority
- Who We Are – Peter Osbourn, Federal Railroad Administration
- Statewide Rail Modernization & Network Integration – Chad Edison, California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA)
- ACE Forward – Stacey Mortensen, San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission
- Caltrain Modernization Program – Marian Lee, Caltrain
- Pacific Surfliner Rail Service Update – David Golonski, LOSSAN
- Service Integration: Service Integration for Our Grandkids – Jim Allison, Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA)
- Caltrans NGEC Railcars and Locomotives Overview and Updates – Stan Hunter, Caltrans Division of Rail
- Station Development Update – Melissa DuMond, California High Speed Rail Authority
- Panel 4 – Transportation & Tourism, Collaboration is Critical
- Funding California’s Passenger Rail Services – Sharon Greene, HDR
- Innnovative Transportation Financing – Art Guzzetti, American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
- 2015 Federal Rail Legislation – Karen Hedlund, Parsons Brinckerhoff
2013 California Passenger Rail Leadership Advocacy Forum
On April 11, 2013, representatives from many agencies participated in the California Passenger Rail Leadership Advocacy Forum, an inaugural event aimed to raise the awareness of the benefits of California’s passenger rail network. Below are several presentations given during the 2013 event.
- Capitol Corridor Vision Presentation April 2013
- Downtown Railyards Sac Valley Station Presentation April 2013
- Emeryville Station Area
- LAUS_Development_Advocacy_Forum_Rail_Modernization_4-11-13
- LOSSAN SIP Final PPT (CA Rail Advocacy Forum – Apr 2013)
- Sacramento Forum 041113 v2
- Vice Chair Perea SJJPA Presentation April 11 2013

Cause for Celebration
View the Cause for Celebration brochure which outlines the economic benefits Capitol Corridor brings to the communities we serve.
California Intercity Rail: Keeping a Success Story On Track
This video showcases the success of the State of California’s investment in passenger rail, featuring the Capitol Corridor, Pacific Surfliner, and San Joaquin rail lines. You can also download the 2014 California’s Intercity Passenger Rail Program brochure – Connecting Cities, Connecting Regions, Connecting People.